FlexiBlog Nulled v3.10.1 – React Gatsby Multipurpose Blog Theme Download

FlexiBlog Nulled React Gatsby Multipurpose Blog Theme Free Download

FlexiBlog Nulled is a fully functional multi-purpose blog theme powered by React and Gatsby JS v4 and packed with various page layouts. With FlexiBlog, you’re not limited to local Markdown files; Contentful CMS and Strapi CMS and Netlify CMS and Sanity CMS are also supported by the theme to write your blog posts. Essential services such as Algolia search system, Mailchimp newsletter provider and Disqus commenting system are also integrated into the theme.

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With FlexiBlog Nulled the modular React powered codebase, customization is developer-friendly and with the help of Gatsby’s Component Shadowing feature, you can easily modify any page or component in the template. The final product is a blazing fast and SEO friendly static site that you can upload to modern hosting providers such as Netlify, Vercel, Github, Firebase and Amazon S3 or traditional hosting services.

Sourcing data from anywhere is the core feature that makes Gatsby a powerful static site generator. In FlexiBlog Free Download GatsbyJS theme, we aimed to embrace this feature to provide a complete JAMStack solution and have added support for multiple data sources including Contentful CMS, Strapi CMS, Netlify CMS, Sanity CMS, and File System Markdown files with MDX support.

Gatsby uses React for building websites. React is a library for building user interfaces via components. React components are purely presentation chunk of Javascript, CSS, and HTML code that can be reused, shared and combined to create pages and templates in GatsbyJS. In FlexiBlog Nulled you’re not limited to the pre-built templates. We’ve created a UI library with React components that you can use to easily create a GatsbyJS blog template with a custom layout. Mix and match the components we’ve provided and you’ll have a completely different and unique template for your blog.

With FlexiBlog Free Download you’ll get multiple pre-made templates for different use-cases including agency blog, education, medical, personal, fashion and beauty, science, news/magazine, and two minimal blog templates. All pre-made templates come with a Gatsby starter and you can quickly start a new blog site with one single command in the terminal. Of-course the templates can be used for other purposes and if you need a unique layout, you’re free to use our React components to build your own template.

We built FlexiBlog Nulled with developers in mind and followed the conventions and standards suggested by the GatsbyJS team so you can apply techniques introduced by Gatsby team such as Component Shadowing effortlessly. With Theme-UI library used in our Gatsby theme, you can easily customize the theme by overriding Theme-UI values without losing styling consistency. FlexiBlog template is a monorepo and all packages use clear distinctive naming convention managed by the modern Yarn Workspaces so you can develop your site without the complexity of managing multiple remote packages.

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