v2.9.0 Nulled YITH WooCommerce Pre-Order Premium Download

YITH WooCommerce Pre-Order Premium Nulled Free Download
YITH WooCommerce Pre-Order Premium Nulled  What the plugin does Build a pre-order strategy and take orders from customers for products before their official release.

How you can benefit from it:

  • create excitement for your new products or services;
  • get early sales and a cash flow during a specific period of time;
  • use pre-orders Free Download as a useful survey to check the interest for your products in a target market and estimate what quantity you need to fulfill the demands;
  • generate sales also for unavailable products, preventing users from searching and buying them in a different site;
  • create a sense of urgency with special prices and discounts on products in pre-order Nulled mode.

Use pre-orders to increase sales and create a sense of urgency in your ecommerce

When using a pre-order plugin GPL, you can list a product in your shop that isn’t for sale yet but will be launched at a certain date or time. Then, customers will be able to pay for the product to reserve it before it’s available, so they know it won’t be sold out and they will receive the product as soon as it launches.

It is a strategy used by the most popular companies, like Amazon or Apple, because pre-orders are a great way to create a sense of urgency, engage your customers, and get an early cash flow to fund production, advertising or marketing campaigns.

With YITH Pre-order for WooCommerce Free Download, you can build an effective pre-order strategy in your shop, push your customers to buy by offering a special discount on the regular price, and choose between requiring an upfront payment or allowing them to pay later when the product becomes available.

With the integration with our plugins YITH Stripe, YITH Stripe Connect or YITH Braintree you can also sell the pre-orders and automatically charge the customer’s credit card only when the product becomes available: no manual payment will be required to the users and everything will work seamlessly.

Enable the pre-order automatically on out of stock products

Automatically enable the pre-order Download mode on out of stock products. In this way, your customers will be able to buy items temporarily unavailable or out of stock and you will not lose the sale.

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