WOOF Nulled is a powerful, flexible, easy and robust WooCommerce Products Filter WordPress Plugin Nulled that extends functionality of WooCommerce to allow your site visitors make searching of products by its categories, custom products attributes, tags, custom taxonomies and price.
With advanced filters, your customers will discover more. Here are just a few of the many options that WOOF Nulled brings to your website: Widget, Product Shortcodes, AJAX product Search, Taxonomy display choices: radio, checkbox, dropdown and more. With this Premium Plugin you can go further and include even more advanced filters as: Filter by SKU, Color filter, Image filter, Slider for taxonomies, Hierarchy dropdown, Statistic, Quick Search. And you can collect Statistical data of the search requests on your site to improve effectiveness of your business.
With Advanced Tab you can add custom CSS to style the plugin to suit the needs of your website because consistency is important.
Custom Extensions take your store to the next level and give customers the option to sort by Author, Sales, SKU or Colour. Using Extensions you can create custom shortcodes that allow you to display your products in a wide variety of ways.
With WOOF Free Download powering your eCommerce store, your business potential expands giving customers the advanced abilities to search and filter by the information that interests them most.
If you are WP+PHP developer and you want to create something unusual for your project – using WOOF Nulled extension API and default extensions as an examples you can create nearly any extensions for the search form and even custom woo-products loop template for your own purposes.